- Ilya Toshinskiy, Reed Waddle (Recording Artist) Ethan Pilzer- We recorded five New songs for DTO Music Inc & Karcz Music Publishing BMI
- A Songwriters Moment
- Alicia Beale, Artist & Stan_ Alicia Beale, Artist & Stan, co-writing in Nashville at Harlan Howard Publishing.
- Alicia Beale, Artist, Chris, Katy Ross, Artist & Kris Bergsnes, Hit Songwriter_Stan, Alicia Beale, Chris, Kathy Ross & Kris Bergsnes, Nashville
- Alicia Beale, Artist, Mason Douglass, Nashville at BMI
- Brian Barnett, Hank Williams Jr Concert
- Brian Barnett, & Stan, Backstage At The Opry, Nashville Jan 21-25,2006 063-2_Brian Barnett & Stan writing at Warner Brothers, Nashville.
- Chris Hawkey, Artis & Stan_ Chris Hawkey, Artist recorded one of my songs titled She’s My Kinda Crazy. Available on ITunes.
- Chris Hawkey, Artist & Stan_Chris Hawkey, Artis and I backstage in MN
- Chris Hawkey, Artist, Jason Perry Producer Nashville_Jason Perri, Chris Hawkey & Stan.
- Stan In Studio
- Stan At The Console
- Dan Karcz, Nick Sturms, Artist (Recorded a song I co-wrote with Nick) Titled-Will The Wind Blow. This is at his show at Joes on Weed St, Chicago Sept 2014
- Stan Karcz
- Stan Recording Vocals
- Gary Busey (Actor) & Stan at the 44th Annual Grammy Awards, Staple Center, CA in 2002
- Faith Hill, backstage at Big & Rich-Tim McGraw Concert
- Songwriter Performance at the Songs For The Cure, CD Release Party, Nashville. Stan performed his cut-I Sing To Emily
- Stan & Corrrine Chapman, Artis, Songwriter, Nashville at the NSAI Awards
- Songwriting
- Stan With Sax
- Nashville with Nick Sturms at Throw Downs, Nashville
- Stan At The Piano
- Jim Peterik and Stan, Artist, Hit Writer (Ides Of March, Survivor) singing his Hit Song-Vehicle with Stan
- John Devlin, Stan_Jim White, Mandolin, John Devlin, Guitar Recording Session at Joyride Studios, Chicago
- Kris Bergsnes, Kathy Ross & Stan at BMI, Nashville_Kris Bergsnes, Kathy Ross, Artist writing at BMI, Nashville
- Nick Sturms, Artists & stan-nashville-november 2012-84_Stan and Nick Sturms, Artist.
- Noah Gordon, VP Average Joe Records & Stan, Co-writing a song in Nashville
- Noah Gordon, VP Average Joe Records & Stan
- Noah Gordon, Average Joe Records & Reed Waddle_Reed Waddle, Artist, Noah Gordon, VP Average Joe Records, Nashville, writing in Nashville.
- Paul Jefferson & Stan at the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville_Paul Jefferson, Hit Writer (You Are Not My God by Keith Urban) At the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville.
- Reed Waddle, Danny Karcz & Stan_Reed Waddle, Stan, Danny Karcz. Co-Writing at Bandwagon Red Publishing, Nashville TN.
- Session at Joyride Studio, Chicago
- Stan & Kim Jones-nashville-November 2012-55_Stan & Kim Jones, DTO Ent Group Inc Songplugger, Nashville TN
- Stan & Nick Sturms-Nashville-november 2012
- Stan at Grand
- Stan, Jade Millon, Artist & Greg Barnhill, Hit Writer writing at Bandwagon Red, Nashville 2015
- Stan, Jenny Karcz (Daughter) & Danny Karcz (Son)
- Stan performing at the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville 2012
- Stan, Nashville 2012
- Stan, Nashville 2012
- Stan & Troy Castellano writing at Bandwagon Red Music, Nashville
- Stan and Walker Hayes, Artist,Songwriter at the Bluebird Cafe, Nashville
- Writing Day with Viktoria Tocca, Artist from Sweden
- Stan at Harlan Howard Music, Nashville Nov 2012
- Lou Visconti & I,Nashville 2006
- Reed Waddle, Danny Karcz and I at Bandwagon Red publishing
- Reed Waddle, Danny Trayner and I at Bandwagon Red Publishing, Nashville
- Bluebird Cafe Nashville Nov 8th,2015
- Bluebird Cafe Nashville Nov 8th,2015
- Marcella & Jack
- Writers Night at The Bluebird Cafe
- Performing Nov 8th,2015 at the Bluebird Cafe
- Writing at Band Wagon Red Music, Nashville TN, Kris Bergsnes, Antonette and I, Danny Trayner and Kris’s Nephew.
- Tracking Session at The Grip (Jay Demarcus, Rascal Flats Studio) the tracks for my New Songs. IlYa Toshinskiy, CMA Guitarist of The Year. Recording Caroline, The Card, Do You Mean It, Let The Music Go & I’m Gonna Be Loved. The songs are on my website, see Songwriter/Karcz Music Publishing, BMI.
- Tracking Session at The Grip (Jay Demarcus, Rascal Flats Studio) the tracks for my New Songs. IlYa Toshinskiy, CMA Guitarist of The Year. Recording Caroline, The Card, Do You Mean It, Let The Music Go & I’m Gonna Be Loved. The songs are on my website, see Songwriter/Karcz Music Publishing, BMI.